s/v TWIG

Saga 43 - Hull #39

Navigation Lights

The lights you show other craft signify your legal status and affect your right of way rights. Learn what each of the lights means as well as the many light configurations on various other types of craft. A sliderule is kept in the chart table to help identify lights seen at night.

Refer to USCG Publication #CG-169 RULES OF THE ROAD (COLREGS) for more information on lights and navigation rules.

The compass light is an LED and comes on with “Night Motoring” or “Night Sailing” modes. Always check navigation lights before leaving the dock or mooring, even if you do not expect to stay out after dusk. You may be unexpectedly delayed. The Navigation lights are controlled by CZone.

When the deck-level nav lights and aft anchor light are on the aft anchor will flash once per second instead of steady on. This could be used to help gain attention in emergency situations.

Motoring - Engine In Gear

Any time the engine is propelling the vessel, even if sails are raised and drawing. (Running the engine in neutral for battery charging the following does not apply.)

Enable “Night Motoring” mode available on MFD screen.

  1. Red and Green sidelights (on bow rail) will illuminate.
  2. A white stern light (on radar rail) viewable from behind will illuminate.
  3. A white light on forward face of mast. Although located at half height, legally designated the “masthead” light.
  4. The masthead Tri-Color is turned off.

Sailing - Engine Off

When operating as a sailboat only, you may choose to use the combination Tri-Color light (Red, Green, and White) at the masthead OR the deck-level navigation lights. Even though located on the top of the mast, the Tri-Color is not the “masthead” light. DO NOT USE the Tri-Color light simultaneously with any other navigation lights or whenever operating propulsion machinery.

Enable “Night Sailing” mode available on MFD screen.

  1. The masthead “TRI LIGHT” will illuminate. If there is a lot of traffic in close proximity we switch off TRI and turn on NAVIGATION.
  2. The steaming light is turned off.


When at anchor, where required, show the 360 degree white light on top of the mast.

Enable “Night Anchored” mode by pushing momentary button at chart table.

  1. The all-around white masthead illuminates.
  2. The stern all-around light atop the radar mast illuminates.
  3. The deck lights turn on for 30 minuts.
  4. The stern spot lights illuminate for 30 minutes.
  5. Plug in anchor daymark light into the receptacle found in storage compartment at the base of the mast on the starboard side. Must also turn on the reading light switch in the forward cabin located against the hull on the port side below the cabinets.